Our History
In 1893, the Santo António Factory, heavily influenced by the prevalent English culture in our society, emerged as the first biscuit and cookie manufacturing facility in the region.
At tea time, our biscuits and cookies were present on every table. 130 years later, we are still at your table, maintaining the same quality and consistency as always, as a benchmark brand in Madeira.
The True Taste of Other Times
The Founders
Francisco Roque Gomes da Silva decided to found in 1893, the first biscuit factory in Madeira. At a time when there was a strong presence of English families in Madeiran society, who ended up influencing customs, Francisco Roque realizes that the imported tradition of eating biscuits and cookies at tea time would be a business opportunity where he could create a locally manufactured product without relying on the foreign market.
He then bet on the production of his own biscuit, focusing on the quality of the ingredients and the rigor of its preparation.
His wife Guilhermina over the years expanded the range of recipes from the factory, crossing traditions and implementing family recipes that have been passed down for generations and remain to this day, currently in its 5th family generation..

Our founders have instilled in us the fundamental principles of quality and meticulous production through their passion for excellence.
Biscuits and cookies have always been, and will continue to be, the ideal partner for daily pauses…
Bringing joy to both the young and old, creating cherished memories
Photos Copyright by: Arquivo Regional e Biblioteca Pública da Madeira; Família Aires de Ornelas, Funchal sec XIX. Coleção particular de J.J. P Edward Clode